Jordon Honeck

Jordon Honeck 

SISU Featured Athlete

Many years ago a mentor of mine once shared a simple pearl of wisdom that has influenced my life thereafter.  He said “I enjoy being out of my comfort zone because I know I am learning and growing.”  With this principle in mind I started participating in self defense training (using a handgun) in 2012 at Sealed Mindset with a couple of friends.  I met Jason Massie at the firearms studio and began my CrossFit Journey in Jan 2013 at SISU.  Since then, while at SISU, I have absolutely been out of my comfort zone and the personal growth and reward has been worth it.

The beginning of CrossFit…   Prior to starting CrossFit I ran and swam as my exercise regimen.  I had no experience weight lifting growing up (I was a band geek).  My first WOD involved swinging the smallest kettle bell coupled with burpees endured alongside fellow athletes Greg and Christine.  I saw stars and was afraid of passing out, I did not finish.  After the WOD, Coach Pat gave me some words of encouragement.  My pull-ups started on the box (jumping).  Everything was done using a 30lb bar, alone.  In short, I started at the bottom…

One year later…  Through consistent training 3-4 days a week I graduated my pull-ups through various bands, evolved to kipping unassisted and more recently butterfly kipping.  Today, I am generally using “Intermediate weights” in WOD’s and continuously increasing my confidence in technique and performance.  My wife is continuously amazed at the physical transformation my body has undergone.  In short, I am the healthiest I have been in my life.

CrossFit helped me achieve this personal growth given two unique characteristics; (1) the WOD’s are always different (I am easily bored with repetition) and (2) the group workouts and camaraderie therein are motivating.  A very memorable experience involved setting up my bar for a WOD one day thinking “This is a lot of weight but I’ll just drop some mid-WOD.” I would later have the group cheer me on as I finished without dropping weight thinking “Holy crap I just did that!”

I want to thank Jason and Pat for having the courage to start a business from scratch as well as the entire SISU team for having the tenacity to sustain the growth of the business so that others may experience the personal benefits that I have realized through Crossfit.  Furthermore, thank you to my fellow athletes for the inspiration and encouragement to go further outside my comfort zone!